The World's First NFT-in-3D

NFT-in-3D (a project of the Swiss Blue Innovations SA) offers the world's first NFT's in 3D on a Looking Glass. Our name is self-explanatory, yet completely revolutionary. Using the novel light field technology we are capable of turning every single photo or video into a real life experience.

From now on, the owner of an NFT can fully enjoy his/her pieces of art. With our AI-driven service, anyone is capable of transforming every single image into what will be the standard of the future. Those who buy these NFTs-in-3D will be part of history!

“It will be up to the new generation

symbolised by Philipp-Emmanuel

to pave the road to NFTs in 3D in the future!"

Carlos MoreiraFounder and CEO of WISeKey Inc.

“When I invited Philipp-Emmanuel to our Brooklyn studio a few short months ago, it was clear that he shared our vision for the holographic future in a deep way. Now with his new 3D NFTs, he is helping to drive that future, in a way that doesn't require people to wear headsets to experience richer forms of art and to have deeper experiences. Thank you Philipp-Emmanuel for pushing the envelope of this new medium and helping to lead the charge into the future.”

Shawn FrayneCo-Founder and CEO of Looking Glass

"I am the mentor of Philipp-Emmanuel ever since he came to my studio and got inspired by my NFTs. He by himself learned AI and the handling of 3D screens without glasses and helmets! Simply spectacular - good thing the student is better than the teacher 👍."

Pedro Sandoval Digital artist and NFT-pioneer

We change the rules of the game!

The reality around us and the places where we live,

our friends and family, everything is in 3D.

However, 99% of content is a 2D image.

What if we could change that?

NFT-in-3D uses the world's only commercially available

headset-free and group-viewable technology.

No friction! No VR headsets! No glasses!

Group viewable: wide viewing angles and enjoy together.

Gadget free: no glasses, no headsets, no hassle.

Interactive service: update, create and share 3D images.

Launching World's First NFT-in-3D

Look Me in the Eye -

Geneva, Switzerland – July, 2023 – WISeKey International Holding Ltd (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a Swiss based cyber security, IoT, AI platform company, announced that it has teamed up Philipp- Emmanuel Pauli (PEP), a young photographer and drone operator prodigy who studies at La Garenne School in Chesières (Vaud, Switzerland) for the first ever NFTs in 3D. Using the latest light field technology brought recently to market by the Brooklyn-based start-up Looking Glass, the buyers of these première NFTs will have the unique opportunity to enjoy his/her NFT-in-3D without any glasses or headsets.

Currently, the PEP NFT collection can be viewed in 2D only on the WISe.ART platform. However, Phillip- Emmanuel offers for the launch of the world’s first NFT-in-3D that the first buyers of the 5 NFTs in 3D will receive a Looking Glass’ portrait with the full 3D screen for free! The NFT collector(s) can also acquire at a specially discounted price the 32- and/or 65-inch screens for the overwhelming 3D presentation of his/her NFT under phenomenal conditions. Interested parties can also witness the NFT-in-3D at the WISeKey offices in Geneva and the Looking Glass Studio in Brooklyn, NY after the unveiling on July 11.

The buyers of each NFT-in-3D will write history and will always be recognised as the world’s first. The buyers will get, in addition to the NFT-in-3D, a print of the picture, signed by the photographer including a certificate of authenticity.

The NFTs were unveiled at the WISeKey offices in Geneva on July 11, 2023, with interventions by Carlos Moreira and Philipp-Emmanuel Pauli.

Our team

Two partners - two backgrounds - one 3D solution

A pioneering photographer, metaverse expert and 3D wizzardPhilipp-Emmanuel Pauli

Philipp-Emmanuel Pauli was born in Mill Valley (California, USA), he lived his first year in Manizales (Colombia) on a coffee farm, then grew up in Cape Town (South Africa) where he lived for eight years close to Mother Nature and under the shadow of the Table Mountain. He logged half a dozen stays in Japan where he lived on tatami. During the COVID years he resided in Bogota whilst having the opportunity to go on regular photographic expeditions. Since 2022, Philipp-Emmanuel has been studying in Switzerland where he matured his ideas on the digital arts discovering the Metaverse, cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Philipp-Emmanuel announces that his first series will soon be complemented with many more NFTs in 3D.

The young photographer started operating drones at the age of 6, turned to photography when he was 10, and demonstrated his unique eye for beauty and passion. Pedro Sandoval, the Venezuelan artist and a master of NFTs (Instagram "PedroSandovalArtist” with 1.5 million followers) hosted Philipp-Emmanuel twice at his studio in Madrid and inspired him to study NFTs. When Philipp-Emmanuel toured the laboratories of Shawn Frayne in Brooklyn, NY, the 3D screens pioneer who co-started Looking Glass Philipp-Emmanuel immediately challenged himself i.e.: to transpose his best photography and video into full 3D images for the whole family to enjoy. This ends solitary confinement for VR or AR enthusiasts.

WISeKey’s WISe.ART Digital PlatformWise.Art

WISe.ART is working on cross-blockchain support, enabling a truly open data economy with the support of Ethereum, Polygon and CasperLabs and gradually add new chains so to ensure interoperability and scalability as part of WISeKey’s overall strategy to act as a leading platform of the Web3.0 revolution. It provides both a secure marketplace and platform where NFT buyers and sellers can easily connect their crypto wallets to instantly purchase or list their NFTs for sale. WISeKey has added the support of Polygon and CastperLabs blockchains, drastically reducing and even eliminating gas fees for creators, buyers and sellers on the WISe.ART marketplace. WISe.ART is working on cross-blockchain support, enabling a truly open data economy with the support of Ethereum, Polygon and CasperLabs and gradually add new chains so to ensure interoperability and scalability as part of WISeKey’s overall strategy to act as a leading platform of the Web3.0 revolution. The NFT design of the WISe.Art platform ensures that besides an authenticated and signed version of the actual digital asset, an irreversible link to a physical object is set up, in addition to proof of ownership, provenance and a set of contracts describing future use and monetisation streams, if relevant.

The result of hard work and perseveranceNFT-in-3D

Katherina Bach, Philipp-Emmanuel's mom, is a direct descendent of Johann Sebastian BACH, and therefore no surprise, Philipp plays the piano very well. His favourite piece is the Turkish March by Wolgang Amadeus MOZART Piano Concerto 11 (KV 331)

His father, Gunter Pauli, is a pioneer in the internet and NFTs. His book "Steering Business Towards Sustainability" co-edited with Fritjof Capra and published by the United Nations University Press. On April 6, 1996 this book became the first ever presented live on broadband video conference over the internet. On December 5, 1996 his father hosted the first ever global internet broadband video conference connecting Nelson Mandela from Pretoria, Jimmy Carter from Atlanta, Shimon Perez from Jerusalem and 12 Nobel laureates in Hiroshima. Then, on April 22, 2022, Gunter Pauli in cooperation with WISeKey created the first sustainable NFTs, selling the solar panels that set the world record of sailing around the world with solar only in 2010-2012 (PlanetSolar now called Porrima).

The magic of the pictures lies in the extensive travel to reach exceptional locations, each photograph required unmeasurable patience to click at the right moment, and the art of editing in 3D, a novel technique only a few master today, since the novelty of the software. Philipp-Emmanuel - then just 9 years old - first enjoyed the experimental 3D screen technology in 2019 when Looking Glass launched the world's largest 3D holographic display in Tokyo (Japan). Since then, this 3D technology has improved and outpaced all competitors. Its commercialisation is opening a completely new experience to the world. Now that 20,000 displays have been sold, a new set of products and services in 3D will come on the market, hence the timely arrival of the NFT-in-3D.

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